♪ Yuna & Lenne ~ The Ghosts are gaining on me ♪
Publicado el: 14 February, 2008
Yes, another new AMV made by me. It was about time! The last one I have published is over 2 months ago… yeah… punish me!And I had to make a new one with Yuna and Co. after such a long time. So here is the result.+ + + + + + + + + + + + Story:It is based more or less on the story of Final Fantasy X-2. Tidus is away for a long time and Yuna is afraid that something might happen to him since she dreams every night of bad things. Without knowing why she dreams things like that she sings about her feelings. In her dreams she saw how she loses her beloved Tidus and she realizes that to her he is all what matters. So she has fear now that her dreams will come true one day. But something has to be wrong: the dreams are too real. Either she becomes crazy or she really can feel how she dies. Then she meets Shuyin thinking that he’s Tidus. But Shuyin behaves in a way she doesn’t know from Tidus and at the time when he calls her Lenne something great changes. After hearing her name the ghost of Lenne is surfacing finally and takes control of Yuna. Eventually her chance to appease the restless ghost of Shuyin and find her peace, too. Yuna can feel the endless pain of the two lovers and helps both of them to find common ground again after 1000 years of searching restless for each other. And in the end the two ghosts are laid to rest. Tidus returns and Yuna is delighted in the good end. In thought she takes farewell of Lenne and Shuyin. + + + + + + + + + + + +Made For: especially for me Music: EvanescenceSong: All that I’m living forIntro/Outro: Jaci Velasquez (Imagine Me Without You)Program Used: Sony Vegas 6.0 Premium Time Taken: long, about 8 days I thinkMade By: Angel of Retaliation (me)+ + + + + + + + + + + +Thanks to:+ + + Johnny + + +Yay, I had to mention you. It was duty after all that you’ve done and you do for me. Yeah, you’re such a good friend for me. I can tell you everything what depresses me. I also have great confidence in you. So I’m really thankful to you. And your humour is still the right one, you know what I mean *cuddlepeck* + + + Flo(w) + + +I won’t forget you, buster! Never! You do me many favours! (I should add “uncountably” ;P) Yeah, you do everything even when I say “No, it’s not necessary” — you’re too crazy. And not only in this way (
). I’ll never be able to backpay all your help. *thousands of cuddles* What shall I say? … ehm… let me think… yeah, maybe you could explain the differential calculus to me?? xD *pleading look* And the two Youtube-friends:+ + + inustorm & NoaHime + + +Sorry for being late, girls. I’m thankful that you support me even still after all my inaktive time here. And I like writing messages with you 2. Yay, I like you, cuties ^_^ *hugs*_________________________________THIS VIDEO IS PURELY FAN-MADE AND IS IN NO WAY ASSOCIATED WITH THE MUSICAL ARTIST OR GAME COMPANY IN ANY WAY
Author: AngelofRetaliation
Keywords: angelofretaliation Yuna Lenne evanescence all that living for amv
Added: February 14, 2008