Suspended Animation…

Publicado el: 15 March, 2008

an investigation of the spaces where sound becomes colors…fluid effervescencesuspended animationsisometric implosionsgripping salinecrystal octagon prisimsinshrining the pristine instance precluding the trance migration from soundtowards colorssynesthesian spectrumsexspansive equationsquazars quantum coreespondancewhich resolvesntutriangular circlesforming the saturnalbuilding blocksof evolution and effortexcreting inertiapropelling us…exspelling our fragranceas light…this is the nova ghost sect tet band i took to the north sea jazz festival in 2ooo. in most cases the true identities are disguised to protect the innocent, but beneath all that sulfur and neon you will find in most cases rasul siddik, sakia laroo, and ambrose akinmusarie on trumpets, charles hamilton and wolter wierbos on trombones, franky douglas on guitar, james lewis and pablo nahar on bass, robert rook on piano, remco van der sluis and josh jones on traps, scheherazade stone and ellen van harmelen on vocals…chicken che unrappin’ it, serign guy and carlo hope on percussion, akhasanamen stone dancing, and a few more guest appearences….truly a stellar band doing our theme song, life on uranus…don’t you think it’s time we save the music?

Keywords: live music with visual montage
Added: March 15, 2008

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