Rebuilding of Jerusalem Temple. – Why not? Part – 5
Publicado el: 9 April, 2008
This great event happened in the beginning of the year 363. St. Chrysostom admires the wonderful conduct of divine Providence in this prodigy, and observes, that had not the Jews set about to rebuild their temple, they might have pretended they could have done it: therefore did God permit them thrice to attempt it; once under Adrian, when they brought a greater desolation upon themselves; a second time under Constantine the Great, who dispersed them, cut off their ears, and branded their bodies with the marks of rebellion. He then relates this third attempt, in our own time, as he says, not above twenty years ago, in which God himself visibly baffled their endeavours, to show that no human power could reverse His Decree; and this at a time when Christianity was still oppressed, lay under the axes, and had not the liberty even to speak; that impudence itself might not have the least shadow of presence. So, today both the Temple and the Bethesda Pool are in the Punjab, in Amritsar known as Golden Temple. Our Punjabi Khatris are top quality sons of Satan and 99 per cent Khatris did not accept Sikhism. I bet a much greater people of Judah tribe accepted Christianity. Today, the Khatris are bent upon twisting the historical facts by writing Books to misguide the devotees of Christ Nanak Dev Ji. Again, the people of Judah tribe are much better than our Khatris. Admission of the Temple Priests or their Rabbis that from now on you will have Temple of God from heaven which means the physical body not made by human hands but by nature does reflect a sensible hint to the twice born people that the time of the brick built temples is gone and it is the Time for the living Temple of God that each one of us carry with us. As no two Temples of God can exist in this world, so this Jerusalem Temple cannot be re-built so far the Second Temple in honour of Second anointed Christ Nanak Dev Ji exists. Now, why the Second Temple was built in the Punjab, a legend goes that a rich man had a few daughters and he bought them presents. They all admired their father for bringing to them nice presents but one said, it was with the grace of God that we are getting these presents and not our father. Their father over heard it and he was angry. To test her faith in God, he married her to a leper. She accepted him as her husband with pleasure and she would take him in a basket from town to town. She looked after him, bathed him regularly and one day she left him near a water pool whilst she went to find some food in the village. On her return she found her husband hale and healthy waiting for her. She inquired from him how it happened and he narrated how he saw a black bird dipping in the water and coming out white. Seeing this miracle, he made the way to pool and he was cured of leprosy. The couple went to see Satguru Ram Dass Ji and narrated their story. Although Satguru Ram Dass Ji knew this Pool yet this Miracle left no doubts in the minds of devotees as well. So, they started to work on the Pool and made it larger. Later on Satguru Arjan Dev Ji got the Temple of God, Harmandir Sahib built in the Middle of this water Pool, Bethesda and this Complex is today corrupted through gilding it. Holy Book has been corrupted and so this Harmandir by gilding was turned into Harimandir for fleecing people. That is why today you will hardly find a Sikh who addresses Nanak as a Satguru or Christ. Thus, Christ or Satguru Nanak Dev Ji have a simple looking Harmandir Sahib whilst the Brahmin Guru when Satguru Nanak Dev Ji is addressed as Guru have a Harimandir Sahib dominated by the world’s greediest Khatris who did not allow the last on earth Christ in the name of Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji to enter into His very House, Harmandir Sahib. A most foolish devoted Jatt King Ranjit Sandhu, who was given 40 years of kingship in the name of forty once born Khalsas who earned their Salvation by giving their sacrifices fighting the oppressors. Today, the Temple of God is so corrupt that the Jews of Middle East would be astonished to watch the malpractices. The most corrupt politicians dominate the place whilst the people of holy ghost or Gurmukh keep away from it as the spiritual Gentiles kept them away from the Jerusalem Temple. When the most honoured Ambassador of Satguru Nanak Dev Ji in the name of the Sixth Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji was barred from this Second Temple of God, then who the hell are we today to be welcomed over there? Remember that this Complex in Amritsar is for the Bhagatan Sikhs who turn their other cheek and the Nirmallae Santan who ply the Double-edged Sword of His Word that the Royal King Sachae Patshah Gobind Singh Ji or His Tatt Khalsas never visited this Complex as their religion was to exercise sword power or Shiv Shakti to sort out the stubborn sons of Satan.
Author: nijjhar1
Keywords: nijjhar Satguru Jesus Nanak Dev Ji Gobind Arjun Tegh Bahadur Allah Ram Harmandir Jerusalem Temp Gospel Sikhism Christian
Added: April 9, 2008