Telecast-Eternity Is Now- Everything

Publicado el: 9 April, 2008

This is a beautiful song that shows are constant need for God to be our “Everything”. No matter what are day brings we should lift our hands and sing praises to our God.This song is by a band called “Telecast”. They are an amazing band and have many other great songs like this one. You may have heard these guys music on Air 1 (, with singles like “Beauty of Simplicity” and “The Way”. They were also on the Illuminate tour with David Crowder Band ( They have 2 albums and are about to release a third. If you guys like this song, then I encourage you to check out these guys here ( and buy some albums. I guarantee that you will not regret buying their music. Their worship is so powerful and messageful. Even if you weren’t too into this song, still check them out. The lead singer of the band is Josh White. He presently a pastor at Solid Rock Fellowship ( in Portland, Oregon. So guys check them out and buy some music, once again you will not regret it. Oh, and if you like them, tell everyone you know about them, they’ll be glad you took the time to do so, I promise. Enjoy the video and God Bless. Leave a comment if you like the video and give some glory to God. For some more great worship check out the tags below. Be sure to check out great artist like Mercy Me, Shaun Groves, Phil Wickham,and David Crowder Band. Their is also a new band called Esterlyn…, who I believe will be going on tour with Kutless. Check all these guys out and God Bless you all once again.

Author: ChildOfTheDivineOne
Keywords: worship telecast divine lyrics jesus mercyme shaungroves philwickham esterlyn davidcrowder christian joshwhite
Added: April 9, 2008

Telecast-Eternity Is Now- Everything

Publicado el: 9 April, 2008

This is a beautiful song that shows are constant need for God to be our “Everything”. No matter what are day brings we should lift our hands and sing praises to our God.This song is by a band called “Telecast”. They are an amazing band and have many other great songs like this one. You may have heard these guys music on Air 1 (, with singles like “Beauty of Simplicity” and “The Way”. They were also on the Illuminate tour with David Crowder Band ( They have 2 albums and are about to release a third. If you guys like this song, then I encourage you to check out these guys here ( and buy some albums. I guarantee that you will not regret buying their music. Their worship is so powerful and messageful. Even if you weren’t too into this song, still check them out. The lead singer of the band is Josh White. He presently a pastor at Solid Rock Fellowship ( in Portland, Oregon. So guys check them out and buy some music, once again you will not regret it. Oh, and if you like them, tell everyone you know about them, they’ll be glad you took the time to do so, I promise. Enjoy the video and God Bless. Leave a comment if you like the video and give some glory to God. For some more great worship check out the tags below. Be sure to check out great artist like Mercy Me, Shaun Groves, Phil Wickham,and David Crowder Band. Their is also a new band called Esterlyn…, who I believe will be going on tour with Kutless. Check all these guys out and God Bless you all once again.

Author: ChildOfTheDivineOne
Keywords: worship telecast divine lyrics jesus mercyme shaungroves philwickham esterlyn davidcrowder christian joshwhite
Added: April 9, 2008

Telecast- Eternity is Now- Everything

Publicado el: 22 February, 2008

This is a beautiful song that shows are constant need for God to be our “Everything”. No matter what are day brings we should lift our hands and sing praises to our God.This song is by a band called “Telecast”. They are an amazing band and have many other great songs like this one. You may have heard these guys music on air 1(, with singles like “Beauty of Simplicity” and “The Way”. They were also on the Illuminate tour with David Crowder Band( They have 2 albums and are about to release a third. If you guys like this song, then I encourage you to check out these guys here( and buy some albums. I guarantee that you will not regret buying their music. Their worship is so powerful and messageful. Even if you weren’t too into this song, still check them out. The lead singer of the band is Josh White. He presently a pastor at Solid Rock Fellowship( in Portland, Oregon. So guys check them out and buy some music, once again you will not regret it. Oh, and if you like them, tell everyone you know about them, they’ll be glad you took the time to do so, I promise. Enjoy the video and God Bless. Leave a comment if you like the video and give some glory to God. For some more great worship check out the tags below. Be sure to check out great artist like Mercy Me, Shaun Groves, Phil Wickham,and David Crowder Band. Their is also a new band called Esterlyn, who I believe will be going on tour with Kutless. Check all these guys out.

Author: jesuschristworshiper
Keywords: Telecast grace jesus mercyme shaungroves philwickham esterlyn davidcrowder christian divine love joshwhite revival hope alternative
Added: February 21, 2008
