Wang Lee Hom’s 31st birthday celebration by OurHome Indo
Publicado el: 19 May, 2007
OurHome Indonesia celebrated Lee Hom 31st birthday by gathering, playing games, and watching Lee Hom’s concert.This video is a compliation of the gathering, and good wishes to lee hom. Hence, this is only fans video, only a few lee hom’s picture.Pictures dan clips by snut_tea and Anett @ ourhomeindoEdited by mel2gchild @ ourhomeindomany thanks to ourhomeindo members that able to came to the gatheringvisit our webwww.ourhomeindo.comSongs credit:point of difference – hillsong unitedMustang Nismo – Brian Tyler feat. SlashGoong S – 2nd Moonas what is said in the videowe would like to wish lee hom happy 31st birthday~~~i’m sorry for the low quality…coz’ the HQ is too big… ^^
Author: mel2gchild
Keywords: ourhomeindo wang lee hom fans gathering birthday 31st celebration
Added: May 18, 2007